Practical statistics and modelling for biological research
An online workshop
Dates: 25-27 June, 2021
Join us for an interactive introduction to probability-statistics and mathematical modelling with practical applications for biological research.
The workshop is mainly targeted for students who are pursuing or have recently graduated with a B.Sc. in Biology/B. Tech in Biotechnology. We also welcome others who are enthusiastic to enter the field of biological research.
In the workshop, lectures would be complemented with plenty of examples, followed with hands-on session on programming using Octave or MATLAB.
Registration is free but limited to 30 applicants.
This workshop will be conducted by 4 graduate students from the Center For BioSystems Science And Engineering (BSSE), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru under the Prime Minister's Research Fellows (PMRF) Scheme. Please write to us at for any further details.
Organizing Team
Atchuta Srinivas Duddu | Harsh Chhajer | Kishore A S Shri Hari | Mitali Shah
We are PMRFellows pursuing PhD at BSSE, IISc.